On this episode, I don’t have a guest, but I did go over some of the frequently asked questions regarding real estate investing. Over the 17 years I’ve been on TV, I have been asked a large number of questions, and I’m going to go over a few of them in this episode. I talk about the profiles of investors, the best investments, the least amount of risk, return on investments, and retiring.

One of the questions I get asked most often is what is the profile of the ideal investor. Investing doesn’t have to only be about real estate. You can invest in anything in life. Regardless of what you’re going to invest in, parenting, being a better spouse, or real estate, you’re going to fall into one of two types of people. There’s people who know what to do and have done all of the research, gone to all of the seminars, and read all of the books. On the other side of the coin, there’s the people who do what they know, it may not be everything about a certain topic, but it’s enough that they can continue to learn as they go. It’s the people that do what they know that inspire me, personally.

A lot of people over the years have asked me what the best investment is. This comes down to what you want. Do you want cashflow or grow capital? Or do you want both? Then you have to ask yourself if you want to sweat and pick up a hammer, or simply write a check. There are many avenues for you to find that best investment. It all bottles down to what it is that you want in return and in the future. I do go through a few examples in the video that will help break it down for you even further.

The questions I get asked regularly change over the years and asking about the least amount of risk, how much money you’ll need to retire or if you can get 25% return on your investment per year change with the flow of the industry. It depends on the markets, your capital and what you ultimately want out of your investments.

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