Stock trading has become increasingly popular since the introduction of the Smartphone. In this episode, I talk to my good friend Omar Khan, who has a wealth of knowledge in the stock space and will teach us some tips and tricks of the trade and how to invest in stock options.

Omar is the co-founder of Theta Trading, where they offer a course on stock trading to help people have financial freedom through trading stock options. He has almost two decades of experience in the financial field after gaining a BA in Economics from the University of Toronto. His many years of experience adds credibility to teaching others on stock trading.

Omar walks us through the difference between buying stock and stock options. They are very distinctly different and stock options are far less risky and don’t make as much of a dent in your wallet. He stresses the difference between gambling, where people just put money into stocks of the newest shiny object on the market, and what he does with stock options, where he would analyze the company first and then use options to try and buy it. If it doesn’t work out with that company you’re trying to buy with stock options, you’ll still get money out of the deal.

With stock options, Omar is able to express to people that you not only don’t need to break your bank to buy in, you also don’t need to put your emotions in the mix. Keep your emotions out of stock option trading.

Another part of Omar’s course is it will give you the ability to trade stock options anywhere in the world that has an internet connection, as well as give you confidence and financial knowledge to trade stock options online efficiently, quickly, and without investing emotions.

For more information on Omar and Theta Trading, go to, where you can sign up for the Theta Stock Options Academy, which includes a live stream weekend course.